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This heart opening, mood elevating blend stimulates circulation  and blood flow. Warming & rich with natural aphrodisiacs, supports hormone regulation (think dopamine & serotonin), calms nerves, and leaves you feeling open, energized & connected to life. 

Organic Sacral Chakra Tea

Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Organic Handcrafted & Charged Herbal Teas & Tisanes


    Each is a handcrafted blend of 100% organic herbs to nourish & honor the body. Each plant infusion is lovingly & carefully combined into an adaptogen tonic to support specific parts of the body & energy systems, depending on what intentions you are focusing on.


    *All herbs & natural items are energetically cleansed & charged under the new moon to infuse them with high vibrations for you to absorb!


    *As with any herbs, minerals, or vitamins always check with your health care professional before taking or combining with medications.


    Size: 2 oz

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